Being declined for an auto loan can leave you feeling frustrated. Often times a rejection decision can stem from bad credit history, yet there are lenders out there who will offer loans to people with bad credit under the right circumstances so it’s worth it to take another look.
Companies like AppCore, accept credit applications from people with all types of credit and they have years of experience helping people get into quality vehicles. Here’s some tips on how to go about getting an approval on an auto loan even if you have a bad credit history.
Check your credit report
Check your credit report for errors which might possibly be affecting your credit score. You can request a free copy of your credit report once per year at no charge and it won’t affect your credit score. If you have never seen your credit report before, this should be the first thing you do.
Calculate a loan
If you haven’t already done so, use auto finance calculators to estimate how much you can afford to spend on a car in total and what an affordable monthly payment may be. Once you’ve seen the numbers, you can plan for the right loan.
Put more money down
Money down (which can be cash, a trade in or both) is one of a number of factors lenders will evaluate. Increasing what you can pay for a car up front, and reducing the loan amount, will help your case. Lenders suggest that a 20% downpayment on subprime loan applications is recommended for better approval odds.
Apply with a co-signer
Adding a creditworthy co-applicant or cosigner to your application shows a potential lender there’s less risk ahead. Typically a lender wants to see an immediate family member (mother, father, brother, sister, wife, or husband) when using a cosigner.
Compare options
Apply for financing with a number of lenders to see what they may offer. Main options include credit unions, banks and other finance companies. AppCore checks all these sources for you which saves you time while making sure you are receiving the best option. What about “buy here, pay here” dealerships? Think carefully, as interest rates can be much higher than at other lenders, warns the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Apply for a second chance in minutes
Whether your bad credit stems from a few late payments, a repossession or discharged bankruptcy, it’s easy to apply for financing with AppCore.
Our online application takes just a few minutes to complete, from your desktop or mobile device, and we provide same day decisions.
Alternatively, use our dealer locator to find another. We work with over 100 trusted dealers throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota that are able to show you select cars meeting our high standards. That means you can close the deal and drive with confidence.
If you’re in need of a second chance on an auto loan, apply with AppCore and get a decision in same day.
Note: “Bad” or “poor” credit generally is considered a FICO score around 600 and below by sources including the Consumer Federation of America and National Credit Reporting Association (reported by the Associated Press), Bankrate.com, Credit.com, Investopedia, NerdWallet.com and others. The Congressional Budget Office identifies a FICO score of 620 as the “cutoff” for prime loans.