Get Your Car Summer Road Trip Ready – Appcore

Get Your Car Summer Road Trip Ready

School is over and summer is here! It’s time to make sure that your car is ready for your next big road trip. The last thing that you want to deal with while your driving cross country with family or friends is a breakdown or flat tire. Here’s what you’ll need to make sure that your car is road ready!

Check Your Tires

Before you drive off into the sunset for destination sun and fun, check your tires to see if they are in working order. Start with your tire pressure. Incorrect tire pressure can result in poor fuel economy and also reduce the life expectancy of your tires. Make sure tread is good. Legally you must have 3/32 of an inch of tread of your tires. If your tires have less then this definitely replace them! Lastly, make sure your spare tire is in good condition just in case you need it.

Change Oil and the Filter

Change your oil and the oil filter before your road trip if you haven’t done so recently. Heat causes oil to break down more quickly and become less effective, which is you’ll want a good batch of oil pumping through your vehicle.

Check Your Wipers

This may seem like a small and insignificant detail, however they are essential to staying safe on the road. Replace wipers that are cracked or showing signs of roughness so that you’ll be able to see while driving through rain showers. While your at it, top of your windshield wiper fluid.

Get Your Air Conditioner Checked

Being stuck in a car with no AC in summer is no fun! Don’t let this happen to you! Take your car in for an air conditioner inspection to avoid suffering in the summer heat.

Test Your Lights and Signals

Make sure your headlights, brake lights and turn signals work. Getting a ticket or even just being stopped because your lights or signals are not working would be unfortunate, but getting into an accident would be worse.

Be Prepared for Anything

Make sure your insurance is current and valid before you go and don’t forget to bring a copy of your insurance card and contact information for your emergency roadside assistance provider. Have an emergency kit in the trunk that contains water, flashlights, flares, jumper cables, nonperishable food items, blankets and first aid supplies. A little extra cash is a good idea too.

Staying safe on the road this summer requires a bit of maintenance but it’s worth it to keep everyone safe and help ensure that your road trip is somewhat drama free. Where are you going on your summer road trip?